ka-blam - Orlando, Florida

Adres: 7041 Grand National Dr, Orlando, FL 32819.

Strona internetowa: ka-blam.com.
Specjalności: Usługi poligraficzne.
Inne ważne informacje: Parking dostępny dla osób na wózkach, Wejście dostępne dla osób na wózkach, Karty kredytowe.
Opinie: Ta firma ma 15 recenzji na Google My Business.
Średnia opinia: 4.1/5.

Lokalizacja ka-blam

ka-blam 7041 Grand National Dr, Orlando, FL 32819

Świetny wybór Firma Ka-Blam to pewnie to, czego szukasz Znajduje się ona po adresie: 7041 Grand National Dr, Orlando, FL 32819 i jest specjalistą w usługach poligraficznych.

Na pewno przydadzą Ci się ich usługi, jeśli szukasz czegoś w dziedzinie poligrafii. Ich oferta obejmuje szeroki wachlarz usług, zapewniając wysoką jakość i profesjonalizm.

Firma ka-blam.com również zapewnia dostępność parkingów i wejść dla osób poruszających się na wózkach inwalidzkich, co czyni je przyjaznym miejscem dla każdego. Akceptują również karty kredytowe, co ułatwia dokonywanie płatności.

Na ich stronie internetowej: ka-blam.com możesz znaleźć więcej informacji na temat ich usług i oferty.

Na Google My Business Ka-Blam ma 15 recenzji i średnia ocena wynosi 4.1/5. Oceny potwierdzają wysoką jakość ich usług i zadowolenie klientów.

Na koniec, jeśli szukasz profesjonalnej firmy poligraficznej, która zapewni Ci wysoką jakość i przyjazne usługi, to Ka-Blam jest idealnym wyborem. Skontaktuj się z nimi za pośrednictwem ich strony internetowej: ka-blam.com i rozpocznij współpracę z ekspertami w dziedzinie poligrafii

Recenzje dla ka-blam

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
Christy McCulfor

I have ordered over 1,500 perfect-bound 100-page graphic novels from Ka-Blam over the last 3 years, and they have always been amazing! Ka-Blam delivers high quality products, will work with your con schedule, and will troubleshoot any issues in a timely manner. The books always come in shiny and crisp, with quite possibly the best UV texture ever created on the covers.

I've only ever had one order where some of the cover's UV coatings had some visual defects, but Ka-Blam was quick to replace the affected books for me at no cost. A+ customer service!

People constantly compliment the print quality when they see them at conventions and I am always happy to point them here.

Would highly recommend these guys for anyone looking for small, full-color print runs. Happy printing!

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
ACRO Comics

I will only give 3 stars because they do they give good work, though there was an order I placed and it was sent to the wrong country, not only that, the replacement they sent had creases. I decided to give them another chance since they are the only ones I could find that allowed small purchases instead of ordering 250 as the minimum order.

Unfortunately, customer service is quite slow and I have been waiting a month for my order to receive a message on what files to use when I had already messaged them weeks prior of the files. The site says reviewing files still, not shipped and it has not been updated. These orders have been paid for and I am hoping that Ka-Blam improves.

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
Kin Kin

In one word, "COMPLICATED"! I'm sorry, two words, "NON-RESPONSIVE"! You have to go through tons of unnecessary steps to place an order. It's quite bizarre. I don't know why more people have not complained about the in-and-out to do a simple thing like place and order and upload art work. My biggest point of contention is that the have "NO TELEPHONE NUMBER" or a way to speak with their staff verbally. You have the ill-fated massaging center that people don't check or respond to you for days. This is a poor business model to say the least! I will be searching for a new printer as of today. You should be able to 1. Register 2. Select your requirements 3. Upload your files 4. Pay for services 5. Receive a proof when ready. Everything they do, you have to wait for emails in order to move on to the next step. Messy, just messy.

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida

Quite possibly the best printer in the business. Quality is on point and shipping speeds are amazing. Staff is friendly and they all have great hair. 10/10 would recommend!

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
Dani Hoots

An amazing comic printing service! We have always been impressed with their work for our comic and found the customer service to be very professional and helpful! There was an error on one of our comics and they reprinted and got it to us within a day due to us needing it for a con. Definitely will keep on using them!

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
Lilly Prince

Customer service is very prompt when responding to concerns or questions. Fairly quick processing of your order. Expedited shipping for certain products. Decent prices.

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida

Gorgeous color ink layered on thick high quality paper showcasing A+++ images. Glossy covers. Excellent customer support.

ka-blam - Orlando, Florida
Ronny Haze

AMAZINGLY great customer service and fantastic product! Everything so far as been amazing with Ka-Blam. Just put in my first big order!

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